Monday, April 28, 2014

Time for looking forward

[This was published on 25 April 2014 in Dhaka Courier]

No, no, no it’s really impossible to live and continue as a silent spectator in the face of excruciating burden of the unreasonable sufferings of the people in almost all respects. A state cannot run in the mode and manner through which Bangladesh is now going on. What can/should be done? How can/should be done? Who are the people to come forward with honest, sincere and transparent commitments? What the replies have our political parties and leaders readily been carrying taking care of ‘realistic notes’ of the rapidly deteriorating landscapes? Are they practically serious about all these or they fell free to adhere to their respective state of standing in the name of organization and cadre? What is politics for? Why are people going to be apolitical day by day? Why are leaders from top to the bottom not in comfortable position and standing for getting due, heart-felt and spontaneous honor and respects inside and outside their respective political parties? Is not it true that the very mission and vision of our apex leaders to produce  new leaders through press releases, not through proper lessons, training and experiences, is a kind of suicidal acts in its entirety? Pains-giving it is that serious competitions are on between or among Sheikh Hasina, Begum Khaleda Zia and HM Ershad on this very issue/point. Should we call the period an ‘era of hybrid leaderships? Foresee, foresee how has politics been transformed into politrics under the very nose of the political people of Bangladesh who fought for independence for a long entailing also a war of liberation?

Yes, tide and tide waits for none. The most important time is now. If now is lost whimsically or belligerently giving birth to nothing at all in the end that shall be worst deed in our national life. Everybody, from individual to group to position to oppositions to state even, is highly preoccupied with the present in a negative mood and mode. Fertile field, which is supposed to be full of positive actions and reactions, is almost barren if the truth be told. Glorious past is being used off and often to hide the misdeeds of the present. Again I say that cronyism, philistinism and sycophancy are reining dominantly each and every state of our life. Ideals of truth and religions are fading away so hastily and speedily that nobody has a time to look at these.

Politics for enjoying power, political parties for going to power and cadre for suiting the very purposes of all these are the messages of the day. Intelligentsias are mostly rotten, opportunistic and derailed. Imams, priests, thakurs etc are now staying at bay from the very lessons and teaching of respective religions. Parents are helpless willingly or recklessly or negligently. Teachers and opinions-builders are not being heard duly. The very basis of family and social life is teared off. Advices, lectures and sermons and so on are being pushed backward or sidetracked.

How to get rid of all these negative landscapes is definitely a billion dollar question. My reply is simple and straightforward: let me, first of all, practice to know myself, and then let us practice to know ourselves in a state of micro and macro standing. It’s time for looking forward without a delay. May Allah bless us all for a promising and radiant future through proper and time-bound cultivation of the present giving a careful attention to the past.

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